What is Aquamation?
About Aquamation
Aquamation is the newest, safest and most natural process available for your pet. As an alternative to traditional cremation, it is far superior in almost every way. For pet owners who care about their pets and the environment, Aquamation is by far the greenest, safest and superior choice.
Why, when given a choice, most pet owners choose Aquamation?
- Gentle & respectful process
- Cuts natural gas use by 90%
- Cuts Carbon dioxide emissions by 90%
- Cuts electricity by 66%
- Is 100% mercury free
- Zero emissions – no harmful greenhouse gases
- Low energy consumption
- 1/10 the carbon footprint than flame-based cremation
- On average 20% more ashes returned for families who request them
- 100% clean, disease and polutant free.